I've recently joined the ranks of the "downsized" as one of the 10,000 former employees of Agilent Technologies. I've re-started offering my micro-controller consulting services under the name uPward Concepts, and I've also started up a digital photography hobby business, Macro-Pix.
The picture to the right is of me a few years ago with my black lab pooch, "Katie." She has since passed on, so the singularly mis-named cat, "Fluffy" (shown in the background on the kitchen counter) has me to himself.
I'm actively involved in conservation efforts for the Lamprey river that runs through my back yard. Thanks to efforts of groups I've been involved with over the last two decades, it is now designated a national Wild & Scenic river. Click here to find out more about the Lamprey.
In 1997 I was diagnosed to have prostate cancer. I had a radical prostatectomy in December of that year and have recovered very nicely, with no sign of any residual cancer after more than five years. I plan to be model-railroading for many years to come. I was indeed fortunate to have detected this cancer before it had spread. I urge any of you who are male and age 50 or older to have your PSA tested on a yearly basis. It could save your life.
In 1998 I purchased a Bike-E semi-recumbent bicycle. It's a lot of
fun to ride, on the road or in the woods. It is a very versatile bike.
Unfortunately, they are no longer in business.